Real Food Challenge

Just another site

A crazy few days… June 18, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — fitnesssource @ 4:27 am

Things have been crazy around here for the past few days and as a result my kitchen is in desperate need of restocking! I think I am out of almost everything! After some serious grocery shopping, here is the plan for tomorrow:

Breakfast: Digestion Building Shake
AM Snack: Greens Powder in water
Lunch: Coconut Nursing Shake
PM Snack: Bone Broth
Dinner: Out to celebrate Father’s Day


Babies and Probiotics Part One: An Introduction June 12, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — fitnesssource @ 7:10 pm

When a baby is in utero, his gut is completely sterile, totally devoid of the beneficial bacteria that help aid in digestion. When the baby passes through the vaginal canal, the digestive system becomes inoculated with this bacteria. However, if a baby is born via C-section, this cannot occur. Moreover, a breastfed baby receives only one type of “probiotic” in his milk. An absense of this friendly flora may result in many symptoms of a weak immune system.


Coconut Nursing Shake June 11, 2010

Filed under: Breastfeeding,Recipes — fitnesssource @ 12:34 am

This is a great recipe for a nursing mom! The coconut adds lots of lauric acid, a nutrient essential for baby! Lauric acid is an antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. Nursing babies will consume up to one gram of lauric acid per kilogram of bodyweight per day. The goat milk adds protein in an easily digestible form and the flax seed adds omega 3 fatty acids.

Coconut Nursing Shake

1/2 c. Coconut milk kefir
1/2 c. Goat milk
1 T ground flax seeds
1 T coconut oil
1 T coconut creme (not cream of coconut)
1 banana
5 ice cubes
5-8 drops vanilla creme liquid stevia
1 T raw creme fraiche (cream would work as well)

Place all ingredients in blender. Blend well.

This post has been linked to URS at Life as Mom

This post has been linked to Fight Back Friday at Food Renegade

This post has been linked to Vegetarian Foodie Fridays.


Blogging from my iPhone June 10, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — fitnesssource @ 8:28 pm

So I haven’t been writing for awhile, and in that time my diet has been changed somewhat. I went to the ND and my blood work was back. Basically, my thyroid us out of whack, as is my digestion. So a few more supplements and dietary guidelines and here we are!

I went for a great hike this morning with friends…an awesome way to start the day.

Here is what I have eaten so far today:

Morning shake (goat milk, coconut creme, coconut oil, creme fraiche, flax seeds, banana, magnesium, slippery elm, and glutalomine)

Sports drink (on the hike)

Soup (chicken bone broth, grassfeed beef, carrots, sweet potatoes, and parsnips)

Still to come:

Greens drink

Afternoon shake (coconut milk kefir, coconut creme, coconut oil, flax seed, banana)

More soup for dinner

Dark chocolate (organic 70% cocoa content) and a glass of red wine

All in all a good day of eating!


Thursday’s Food June 4, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — fitnesssource @ 2:23 pm

Well yesterday was a busy day, I had to get blood work done in the morning, and then my dog had to get blood work done in the afternoon!  I had a shake made of:

-Raw goat milk

-1 pastured egg yolk

-1/2 a banana

-coconut oil

-coconut cream

-Magnesium powder

-Ground flax seed


Dinner was roasted pastured chicken (thank you Rainbow Ranch Farms!) and creamed leeks.  Dessert was a white nectarine with raw creme fraiche – delicious!


Shopping Trips! June 3, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — fitnesssource @ 3:09 am

So today I literally was out of everything!  I drove out to Venice to shop at this amazing co-op called Rawesome!  I got lots of goodies: flax seeds, fresh milk, fresh creme fraiche (to die for!!!), fresh cheese, fresh butter…are you sensing a theme here?  After that, I stopped in at Whole Foods to pick up some coconut oil and some other things.  I tried coconut water kefir for the first time…super refreshing!  When I got home, my protein basket CSA was waiting for me from Rainbow Ranch farms – a quart of goat’s milk, a dozen fresh eggs (they were so fresh there were still feathers!), a whole pastured chicken, and a great assortment of grass-fed beef.  Finally, I went to the farmer’s market to get my fruits and vegetables for the week.  I am all set to start tomorrow on my Real Food Challenge!


Welcome! June 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — fitnesssource @ 10:02 pm

Welcome to my blog!  A little about me, I am a new mom (baby is almost three months now) and I am still working to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I am nursing exclusively, so what I eat affects her as well as me.  In trying to find the best diet plan for me I came across Nina Planck’s book “Real Food for Mother and Baby.”  She advocates a diet rich in pastured chicken and eggs, grass-fed beef, raw dairy products, and fruits and vegetables.  This blog is my journey towards a “real food” diet.  I am also working with a naturopathic physician.  So here is the plan!


NO processed food

NO soda

NO gluten (cut down on grains in general)

Action Plan:

Eat at regular intervals

Drink two prescribed shakes per day

Take all recommended supplements faithfully

Eat as much real food as I am hungry for!

Join me as I take my journey on the Real Food Challenge!